Welcome to my Japanese blog

Guides and how-to’s

Learn all about how to do stuff, where to buy things, and other information that will help demystify life in Japan.

Japanese language and learning

Tips and tricks for learning the Japanese language, and perhaps some other topics that will appeal to grammar nerds like me.

Personal experiences and stories

Some of my own funny or interesting experiences while living in Japan. Not exactly “how-to guide” material, but they might give you some insight so you can try out the fun things I’ve done (or avoid the not so fun things).

Travel guides

All about the places I’ve been: how to get there, what to do while you’re there, and other tips.

Japanese ingredients and food

I doubt I’m the only person who walks into a Japanese supermarket and goes, “what in the world is that??” From common Japanese ingredients to weird oddities I’ll probably never see again, I’ve tried them all so you never have to fear the produce isle again!

History and culture

Random tidbits of Japanese history and culture that I’ve looked up or learned first hand.

Journal entries

I guess you could call them the one true “blog posts” on here. Here are just some of my random musings; hopefully you find them entertaining.